Navigating risks to reap the rewards of AI : an ESG Forum conversation

1 minute read

We’re all more then aware of the potential productivity gains that could come with the advent of mainstreaming AI but who’s looking after the risks?

Our recent 2024 ESG Forum saw Hg’s Sophie de Kok sit down with Dr Erin Young, a Project Co-Lead and Research Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute. Her current work with governments and policy-makers across the world looks to ensure the equitable impacts of AI.

What does an AI career path look like and how can this new industry avoid the legacy biases that still haunt the business and tech worlds?

How can we shore up data security while simultaneously infusing inclusion and accessibility into these new systems: ironing out gender-biased translations and hiring decisions sometimes created by AI while shedding light on the inherent issues in our data and society at large.

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